Typically, you want to develop and test your SLASCONE integration in a development system before moving into production. In order to facilitate this, SLASCONE provides an export/import mechanism for the main entities. This mechanism ensures that the IDs of the created entities remain the same.
A product with all its underlying features, limitations, variables, analytical fields, usage features and modules can be exported as a .json file as shown in the following screenshot:
Please note that the product's editions are not exported. The reason for this is that the IDs of editions/templates (contrary to the IDs of products, features, variables etc) should never be used in the code of your application. If for example, your application needs to distinguish between a floating and named edition, then it should reference the respective provisioning_mode value and not any fix ID.
You can use the exported .json file to import it into the production system. If the product does not exist, then a new one is created. If the product already exists, the import adds or edits all relevant entities. Everything is based on the entities' IDs (not the names).
Please note that this mechanism is additive, meaning that no entity is ever deleted in the production system. For example, if you deleted a feature in the development system (and thus this feature is no longer part of the export file), the import/export mechanism is not going to delete this feature in the production system. If necessary, this has to performed manually in the production system.
Currently, the only way to sync such entities is to manually create such an entity using the API. For example, if you need to create a license type in the PROD system making sure that the same id is used, you need to copy the respective id from the DEV system and to call the following endpoint in the PROD system:
POST /api/v2 /isv /{isv_id} /licenses /types
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